As part of its offer to develop Outpatient Hospitals, ALTAO has developed expertise in the choice of biomedical equipment. This assistance ensures that equipment is correctly sized, of verified quality, at the best price and, above all, correctly maintained. All this is essential to provide a range of care equivalent to international standards. The choice must therefore be adapted:

  • to the forecast activity of each center, defined upstream thanks to the available epidemiological data;
  • to the specific activity of an outpatient centre,
  • to the real needs of the population,
  • to the modern Hospital Information System (HIS) and the Cloud.

ALTAO’s expertise in this field is based on a team of doctors, consultants and biomedical engineers who can set up an equipment programme for each project and then organise calls for tenders and negotiations with the various suppliers. These calls for tenders and our requirements, particularly in terms of maintenance and guarantees, are innovative approaches on the African market that enable us to set up credible, transparent and long-term partnerships between Suppliers and Hospitals.

The example of the Saint Pérégrin Reference Hospital, currently under construction in Lomé, TOGO, shows that it is possible to equip African Hospitals with the latest generation equipment, at controlled prices, guaranteed for 5 years and coming from the main French, European and international suppliers.

Thanks to this experience, we are now able to put at your disposal the know-how of our teams in the choice of your biomedical equipment, anywhere in the world.

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